Twin Peaks FAQ
Check out the Twin Peaks FAQ for answers to the most common Frequently Asked Questions.

The oldest and longest running Twin Peaks discussion group on the internet.
    Browser Newsreader
    Fast, local and no ads. Can't search for old posts.
    To use this link you must have your browser setup properly to access your ISP's news server.

    Google Groups Newsreader
    Very fast. Must register to post. Newsreader
    Allows posting. Minimal ads.
    Slow to update. Not all messages listed. No search options.

Latest postings from Twin Peaks related blogs.

Message Boards
Message Boards offer ways to post, read and answer questions. Chat Rooms
Live discussions with other fans.
If you have trouble finding people, try posting to a message board when and where you would like to chat.

Email Discussion Lists
Join an email list and you'll never miss out on the discussion.
Email list groups send emails to everyone who joins the discussion list.
One warning, joining an email list can overwhelm your email account.
    LynchNet David Lynch News and Information
    Information on Lynch's upcoming works and new Lynch news, as well as announcements for updates to LynchNet.
    Not a discussion list. No posting, receiving only.
      To join this list:
      1. Create an email using this message: subscribe lynchnet.
      2. Send the email message to:

      To quit this list:
      1. Create an email using this message: unsubscribe lynchnet.
      2. Send the email message to:

    David Lynch Information (in German)
    Discussion of film director David Lynch and his works.
      To join this list:
      1. Create an email using this message: Subscribe to
      2. Send the email message to:

      Once joined, send messages to this group at:

      To quit this list:
      1. Create an email using this message: Unsubscribe to
      2. Send the email message to:

    blacklodge - David Lynch Information (in French)
    Discussion of film director David Lynch and his works.

    Yahoo! Groups Twin Peaks Email Discussions
    A very large collection of Twin Peaks related groups at Yahoo. Not a true email-only discussion list since these groups
    are all archived more like a forum but can be used like a discussion list. For specific Twin Peaks groups check the Yahoo! Twin Peaks groups in the message board area above.