
Twin Peaks Star Pics Card 68

What is Agent Cooper's middle name?
How many days passed from the discovery of Laura's body until the arrest of Laura's killer?
    15 days
    Episode: Second season, Episode 9
    Date aired: December 1, 1990, ABC Television
What was Laura's favorite drink at the RR Diner?
    Brown Cow (cola and vanilla ice cream)
    Episode: Second season, Episode 2
    Date aired: October 6, 1990, ABC Television
How did The Log Lady's husband die?
    Fighting a forest fire
In what city did Agent Cooper grow up?
    Episode: Second season, Episode 18
    Date aired: February 23, 1991, ABC Television
    Source: See Agent Cooper: My Life, My Tapes
    (Pocket Books, Spring 1991)

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